time management

My 2020 year in review and how I'm going into 2021

My 2020 year in review and how I'm going into 2021

You don’t need me to tell you that 2020 did not go as planned for most people. It was full of challenges and constant pivots and a weird, eerie slowing down that I think a lot of us have come to be grateful for. It’s a year for the history books to be sure, one that none of us will ever forget.

My plan for a smooth and successful Black Friday / Small Business Saturday / Cyber Monday weekend

My plan for a smooth and successful Black Friday / Small Business Saturday / Cyber Monday weekend

With Black Friday and Small Business Saturday and Cyber Monday around the corner, it’s high time we start making plans for our sales and promotions, right? I’ve run a wide variety of sales over the last 5 years during the Thanksgiving week, and I’ve complied a list of my 5 best tips for ensuring your sales week is not only successful, but runs as smooth as a dollop of turkey gravy all week long.

What happened when I focused on ONE thing all year — 2019 review

What happened when I focused on ONE thing all year — 2019 review

Another year down, another annual recap post! 2019 has been a year of growth, but not really in big financial ways or massive sales. It’s been a year of growth in terms of how I run my business. I spent the majority of my time zeroing in on what had the best return on my investment (investments of both time and money).

My 3 step system for re-recording my entire online course

My 3 step system for re-recording my entire online course

I’m a nerd, and one of my favorite things to do when I’m faced with a big project or a big goal is to map out a plan and work that plan until I accomplish it. I know, that’s some serious nerd alert there. So when it was finally time to re-record my entire online course, The InDesign Field Guide, I knew I needed a good plan.

Why I'm putting off writing this blog post about starting

Why I'm putting off writing this blog post about starting

Ok, that title was maybe a litttttttle click baity, but I couldn’t help it. Because it’s true — I’ve been needing to write this blog post, to kick off the new year with a solid blogging game, and yet there’s only one thing I seem to be doing instead: procrastinating. I’m like really, really good at it.

How I'm focusing on what works + ditching what doesn't

How I'm focusing on what works + ditching what doesn't

My word in 2018 has been hone. I wanted to hone my business as well as my lifestyle. Refine it, simplify it, get super clear and intentional on what I wanted both to look like. This past year was less about growing my business, and more about stripping out what wasn’t working so I could focus on and improve what was working.

How I went from day job to working for myself (with a kid) — free monthly goal planner download

How I went from day job to working for myself (with a kid) — free monthly goal planner download

I think every business owner's story is an underdog story. Most of us worked for someone else, spent our days dreaming of working for ourselves, and usually through a significant change in their life – either forced or voluntary – they finally take real steps towards that dream being a reality. It’s rarely a smooth road, it’s usually a bumpy, curvy, pothole-laden road that can take a long time to get down. Lots of people have asked me about my own journey, so I thought I’d share it in a fun, timeline-style post – showing you that the big transition from day job to self-employed is not a quick or easy one. It takes time, work, and a whole lot of patience.

8 questions I'm asking myself as I plan for the new year (+ free goal tracker!)

8 questions I'm asking myself as I plan for the new year (+ free goal tracker!)

My dad and I have always had this question that we throw back and forth to each other — and bear with me here, because at first it can sound like a dirty joke. We ask each other, Are you keeping all the balls in the air?

How I'm building a business that works with my life

How I'm building a business that works with my life

This year had tons of traveling, tons of momming, and tons of work on keeping this business chugging along. I started new projects that I’ve been putting off, and I cut old strategies that weren’t working anymore. This year was a season of pivoting and simplifying and getting real clear on what I do and don’t want to do in my business.

When too much automation turns your business into a robot (+ a goofy video)

When too much automation turns your business into a robot (+ a goofy video)

Automation. It’s the buzz word being slung around the Interwebs as of late. It’s that thing everyone is striving for, it seems like, to make their business totally automated and hands-off. But… what if that might not actually be the best thing for our customers? Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for a convenient app as much as the next gal (or guy! hey fellas.), but I’m afraid if we go so far down the automation rabbit hole, our businesses will end up looking and sounding like robots. Cold, hard, emotionless robots.

How I balance being a workaholic + a work-at-home mom

How I balance being a workaholic + a work-at-home mom

Hi my name is Kelsey, and I’m a workaholic. How does that saying go – entrepreneurs work 80 hours a week for themselves, so they can avoid working 40 hours a week for someone else. Couldn’t be more true! I’ve always been a workaholic, whenever it’s work I’m passionate about. So when Paper + Oats got off the ground in 2013, the workaholic in me was in overdrive. The day I became a mother (and a single one, at that) was the day I knew my workaholic schedule was about to change forever.

4 creatives dish on their favorite ConvertKit tricks

4 creatives dish on their favorite ConvertKit tricks

ConvertKit has a lot of pieces to it, and honestly it took me a long time to get used to it. But I seem to learn new things every time I get in there, so I thought it would be fun to share some quick tricks to help you work a little smarter. And since I get other nicely designed CK emails from some fellow creatives, I thought you might be fun to invite a few of them to join in and share a hack or two that they have up their sleeves!

A guide to open/close launches and evergreen (+ my formula to decide)

A guide to open/close launches and evergreen (+ my formula to decide)

I’ve seen this question asked about a thousand times in about a thousand places, so I figured it was time to shoot straight. This topic can have some varying opinions, sometimes controversial about which way is better. But after trying both methods in the last couple years, I’ve discovered it all boils down to a few different factors to consider.

My method to plan a year in one week (+ free planner)

My method to plan a year in one week (+ free planner)

Last week I posted a picture on Instagram of my computer as I was planning out aaalllll my 2017 tasks in just a few days. Yes, that’s right, an entire year’s worth of projects in about one week. And people freaked out. Rightfully so! I know how crazy it sounds, 12 months of work scheduled out on a calendar is a little control-freak-ish right?! It’s okay, you can say it. But this method helps me brain dump all my ideas + plans for the coming year in an organized way so I can actually accomplish the things I set out to do on January 1. 

How looking back can help you move forward (2016 review)

How looking back can help you move forward (2016 review)

Wow, I have derailed on the blogging train the last few months. Sorry about that. Honestly, I was running low on content ideas and just wasn’t feelin’ it. At first I felt guilty for not keeping up with it, and then I sat down and wrote this quick year-in-review, quickly got over the guilt, and just decided I’d recommit to the blog in the new year. And that felt much better 😃

How being a single parent is a lot like being an entrepreneur

How being a single parent is a lot like being an entrepreneur

All morning I’ve been fighting with a toddler to eat her breakfast. Just eat. the dang. toast. She’s a little stubborn – like her mama. And her mama’s mama. And her mama’s mama’s mama. The little stubborn thing celebrated her second birthday last weekend, and as she spent most of the day with her dad, it was a bittersweet day for her mama. These early birthdays are more of a celebration for the parents than the kids, right? Celebrating the fact that you’ve kept another human alive for 2 whole years. Celebrating the fact that you’re still somewhat sane and standing upright.

A day in the life of a single mompreneur with no babysitter

A day in the life of a single mompreneur with no babysitter

A lot of people ask me how I get any work done with that cute pig-tailed girl hanging out with me all day. That’s a great question. Some days I don’t get a lot done because of all that cuteness. Some days I don’t get a lot done because behind all that cuteness is a strong-willed, feisty girl who tests my patience. Some days I do get a lot done because she’s in a good mood and entertains herself well. Some days not. That’s the beauty and curse of being a single, work-at-home mompreneur: every day is different. 

How to plan a DIY mastermind retreat + a recap of mine

How to plan a DIY mastermind retreat + a recap of mine

I’ll be honest, 2016 has gotten off to a rough start. I try to be transparent in my corner of the Internet, not to glamorize anything I do (because trust me, it is rarely glamorous), but to be totally honest about what the life of a single mompreneur actually looks like. And so far this year it’s looked like a strong-willed toddler, an unexpected breakup, and one very worn out mama. Post-divorce dating is a whole blog in itself, #amiright?! Someday. As much as I’ve tried to be prepared for this new year, I’ve had a lot of other things on my mind and frankly haven’t had the energy to poor into elaborate business goals and strategies to reach them.

How one year can change your business

How one year can change your business

The end of the year is obviously a time for reflection and planning for the next year, so I’m sure you’re reading a plethora of other blog posts lately about people’s goals and plans for 2016. At the risk of doing what’s expected, I do think it’s important to take time to pat yourself on the back at the end of the year and remind yourself that all your hard work is worth something. Plus, it can be pretty motivating to see how much can change in a year.

How my maternity leave was my best season for business

How my maternity leave was my best season for business

Babies. Babies are hard. Babies are sweet and precious and cuddly and a blessing, but babies are really really hard. Add maintaining a business, and babies get even harder. BUT, the cool thing about babies is they give you some lead time before they get here. My pregnancy, albeit an emotional one, was an instrumental period of time for my business. I knew I had nine months to build P+O into something that could help sustain a life for my daughter and me. 

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