INDFG - Lauren Carns

Even if you think you can get around in InDesign fairly well, I promise you, this course is worth it. And let's be honest, are you actually going to piece together your knowledge from YouTube videos by some random guy? Yeah, don't do that. I took this course early this year and it completely revolutionized my workflow. I *thought* I had a pretty good handle on InDesign, but there's a difference between surface level knowledge and mastery. There is SO much you can do with InDesign, so if your skills need sharpening, I'd highly encourage you to check it out!

Lauren C.

INDFG - Lindsay Ellis

I just landed my first freelance client a couple days ago! This was ONLY made possible because of what I learned in Kelsey's IDFG course because it's the platform I'll need to use for the project! The course is extremely comprehensive and thorough and I know I'll be referencing it a ton as I continue to learn and grow. Worth every penny! I'm feeling so blessed and excited for the new opportunities ahead of me!

Lindsay E.

INDFG - Sara Dukic

I just wanted to let you know how amazing your InDesign course is!  I’m so glad that I took it.  The business guide that you have us create as the course project in and of itself is a huge value.  I’ve been referring to it over and over as I move forward in my business. Before taking your course, I was looking to hire someone to design my lead magnets and other digital content.  I just had a huge hangup about the magnitude of a program like InDesign.  Now I feel like I have the skills necessary to execute my ideas, take my creative work to a new level, and put the thousands I would’ve paid a designer back into my business.

Sara D.

INDFG - Fiona Smallwood

I wanted to thank you for putting such a wonderful resource out in to the world. The way in which you walk through the making of a document is really a great process for learning and seeing how the tools can be utilised in real world production. I have thoroughly enjoyed it and can see myself using it both in work and for pleasure.

Fiona S.

INDFG - Krissy Rhee

I had never used InDesign before, and felt super intimidated, but now, even though I still have a few more lessons to complete, I have MUCH MORE of an appreciation and understanding of what my design team is saying. And even if I never wind up using it regularly for work, I know that I'll be able to whip together something for myself. The ability to have new and different skills in my back pocket is always something I've valued, and the things you put out help me stay on my path towards continuous improvement, without pulling my hair out (or going broke) in the process.

Krissy R.

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