Ebook to Epub Conversion Mini-Class
So you've got a print book that you want to convert into an ebook, or maybe you want to just go straight to Kindle with your content — you're in the right place! If there’s one thing you need to know about designing for an epub file it’s that what you see is NOT what you get. It’s almost like designing backwards, so buckle up buttercup. In this 1-hour class, I’ll teach you how to create a user-friendly epub file in Adobe InDesign that looks good across all e-reader devices.
What will I learn in this class?
Epub 101 (2 videos)
In this section, I'll cover the basics of what an .epub file is, how it differs from other file types, and the new mantra you'll need to embrace to start designing with epub in mind — what you see is NOT what you get!
Convert Your Design (5 videos)
In this section, we're getting into the nitty gritty! It's time to figure out our typography, page breaks, line breaks, images, and table of contents so everything is playing nicely together and our epub file will be looking and functioning at it's best.
Export + Test (2 videos)
Lastly, it's time to export our final epub file and do our final testing on Kindle and Apple Books so we know exactly how our epub file will respond on various devices and screen sizes. Don't skip the testing step, it's super important!
Epub Conversion Checklist (PDF)
This PDF checklist will help guide you through the steps covered in the class, plus it'll be a great reference for all your future epub projects (pssst… I still print one out for all my own projects!)
What's included in this class?
• about an hour of video training, broken up into 9 videos
• closed captioning and written overviews for each video
• demos on Adobe InDesign, Kindle Previewer, and Apple Books
• epub conversion checklist so you don’t miss a step (PDF)
• lifetime access to all videos + PDFs
The Epub Conversion class is the best way to turn your print book into a Kindle-friendly ebook that looks good across all e-reader devices. Let’s get started!
How does a mini-class work?
It's like a tiny, baby online course! It is a complete digital learning experience. Immediately after you purchase this class, you'll be sent an email with details on how to login to a members-only website where you'll be able to access every lesson. This allows you to work through each lesson at your own pace. All lesson materials are delivered via video trainings and PDF downloads, all of which are housed in that members-only website. Nothing physical will be shipped to you, and no in-person events will be included.
How long does it take?
You’ll have immediate access to every single lesson as soon as you purchase this class, so you can work through everything at your own pace. Total video running time is a little over an hour, so you can easily finish the whole class in a day! The actual process it takes to complete all the steps in the class to convert your ebook from print to epub will take a bit longer than that depending on your book’s content, but you can refer back to all the class videos + PDFs as much as you need throughout the entire process (lifetime access!).
What if I hate it?
Full online courses can be an investment, so that's why I created this smaller class with a lower price tag, and I'm pretty confident you won't hate it :) Since this class is smaller than my other classes (in both price and running time), I do not offer refunds.
Do I have to have Adobe InDesign or a certain design program?
This class does focus on converting your print book into an epub file using Adobe InDesign, so you will need to be using InDesign if you want to get the most out of this class. All the tools demonstrated will be specific to InDesign.
Can I ask you something else?
Yes! Ask away — send an email to kelsey@paperandoats.com and I’ll respond as soon as I can.